Memories of Grandma

All about Grandma From A to Z

Poems and Memories 

by Holly Sue Bahlmann

A: Austria

A is for Austria where Grandma was born, a beautiful place where dirndls and lederhosen are worn.

B: Beauty

B is for her beauty all about; it's found both inside and out. With a a cheerful soul and a pretty face, she makes the world a brighter place.

C: Culture

C is for culture. From music to art, she is incredibly smart. Her love for life is infused in me, and one day I hope to be as refined as she!

D: Drawing
D is for drawing which she does so well, but it doesn't stop there so I'd like to tell. From pencils to paper cuttings, to paint, her artwork is absolutely great!

E: Eternity

E is for eternity, though now through life we endeavor. I’m so glad she’s mine for now and forever

F: Family

F is for family she loves very much. Her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are one lucky bunch.

G: Games
G is for games which she loves to play. Time spent around her table makes for a very fun day.

H: Hugs

H is for hugs when she greets us at the door. When it’s time to go, I wish we could stay more.

I is for intelligent, she is oh so smart. Her work and effort have gone a long way. If I study like her I’ll be brilliant one day!

J: Joy

J is for joy that she brings to others. She is one of those kind and generous mothers.

K: Kit Kat

K is for Kit Kat a chocolate treat, she gives to her grandkids and we love to eat. It makes us feel special and we think it’s neat.

L: Love
L is for love that you impart, it’s what I feel within my heart.

M: Memories

M is for memories stored in my heart, precious treasures of which you are a part.

N: Nuts

 N is for nuts, she keeps in a jar. They’re in the bottom drawer, we know where they are!

O: Often

O is for how often she freely does give, showing us an example of how to generously live.

P: Parties

P is for parties she knows how to throw, to celebrate the holidays we all love and know.

Q: Quite the Character

Q is for quite the character. She’s unique and funny. Her personality is really sunny.

R: Reading

R is for reading which she loves to do. She is always learning something new.

S: Sun-Catchers

S is for sun-catchers that hang in her window so bright, some make beautiful rainbows and others just catch the light.

T: Toy Room

T is for toy room, it’s lots of fun. There is something to do for everyone.

U: Up-beat

 U is for upbeat. She’s positive and happy. Her outlook on life is really quite snappy.

V: Vacations

V is for vacations. In our van we would travel, once up north to learn the Canadian ways and several times down south to watch Shakespearean plays.

W: Witty

W is for witty; you can count on her when you need a little ditty.

X: X-Ray Technician

X is for x-ray technician, a job that she used to do, taking x-rays and helping patients too.

Y: Yard
Y is for yard where she helps things grow; a place where her love for nature really does show.

Things in your yard: Forget-me-nots, an apricot tree, geraniums, roses and a plum tree.

Z: Zero


Z is for zero, there are none that compare; she’s the world’s best grandma—full of love and care.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice addition! Wished I could have met your grandma. She sounds like such a talented lady. She must have been awesome to have such wonderful children and grandchildren. Thank you for doing a good job of creating this blog in honor of your grandma "Mimi."
